description: |
Analyse and identify Hardware- and Configuration issues

target group: |
Experience NetApp Partner employees

requirements: |
NCDA certification and several years of ONTAP experience is absolutely necessary.

objectives: |
In this workshop the students learn methods to analyse hard- and software problems and how to use tools to check the system configuration.

price and duration: |
duration: 5 days price: 4700,- Euro + VAT Netapp Training Units: 60
All information about paying with NetApp Training Units can be found here.
You can find the print view here.

dates: |
Will be scheduled on request Please let us know here, when you prefer to have this workshop!
agenda: |
- ONTAP Troubleshooting
- Clustershell Tipps and Tricks
- Systemshell and FreeBSD
- Kernel modules and Cluster Services
- Essential Processes and Watchdog Daemon
- Replicated Databases, Epsilon and Quorum
- Configuration Databases
- Job Manager and Scheduling
- SK (simple kernel)
- Logs and Traces
- Network Troubleshooting
- Ports (physical, IFGRP, VLAN)
- LIFs (Backend and Frontend)
- IPspaces, Broadcast Domains and Failover Groups
- Firewall policies
- Multitenancy with DNS, AD, NIS and LDAP
- Cluster Interconnect and Cluster Session Manager (CSM)
- Troubleshooting of NAS protocols:
- SecD, Authentification and Usermapping (multiprotocol)
- important Caches
- NFS Services and configuration
- NFS Filehandles
- CIFS Services and configuration
- User permissions
- sectrace
- Troubleshooting of SAN protocols:
- Selective LUN mapping
- bcomd and other Internals
- Logs and Traces

Further information: |
This workshop is a recommended part of the exam preparation for the following certifications:
- NetApp Certified Support Engineer: NCSE
- NetApp Certified Support Engineer ONTAP Specialist: NCSE-OS